
Showing posts from January, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone

My doctor diagnosed me with COVID before there were vaccines available.  I treated myself with nutritional therapy.  I was fortunate to see Dr. Pierre Kory on YouTube before that got censored.  Kory was making a passionate appeal to Congress to investigate the clinical use of the very commonly prescribed drug Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID, at all phases of the disease progression. Project Veritas recently published a report on DARPA documents pertaining to COVID research:  "Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines." In my experience, the efficacy of Ivermectin against COVID is well established.  My doctor prescribed it to me and the first dose resulted in a life renewing experience.  Several progressing symptoms were gone or sharply diminished within hours....

It stands to reason that ...

People who are fortunate to live in societies where science is highly valued come to see it as foundational, as the argument ending dictum.  Ironically, people tend to learn about science from fallacious appeals to authority.   "For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert, but for every fact there is not necessarily an equal and opposite fact."  - Thomas Sowell Debate is at the heart of science.  Debate can rage for a very long time.  It can be suppressed, but can also rise to the surface as a seemingly new controversy.  Resolution of debate happens when support for one set of arguments gains acceptance over opposing views.  In science, the ultimate arbiter is physical reality.  Science philosopher Karl Popper is perhaps best known for the criteria of falsifiability.  Unless a proposition concerning an experimental outcome can be tested, the proposition cannot be an hypothesis, and so it can never be a theory.  The proposition...

The Rise of SunCell

I authored a set of 3 articles for the magazine started and edited by Eugene Mallove until his death in 2004 (articles 1 , 2 and 3 ).  The magazine continued in publication, despite his death, and this set was published starting in November 2016.  So, this reflects many years of development and trial of different way of producing hydrino reactions, as performed by Randell Mills.  These articles of mine are largely based on a chapter of a book written by Erwin Schrodinger.  The chapter is Are There Quantum Jumps? which is contained in the book, What is Life? It is worth noting that the association of energetic anomalies with hydrogen has been claimed by many scientists since long before the term "cold fusion" became widely heard.  These phenomena are claimed to occur under a very wide array of experimental conditions.  This proves nothing, but if such an anomaly exists, this pattern of association would be expected.  The wide ranging conditions might...