Dr. Robert Malone

My doctor diagnosed me with COVID before there were vaccines available.  I treated myself with nutritional therapy.  I was fortunate to see Dr. Pierre Kory on YouTube before that got censored.  Kory was making a passionate appeal to Congress to investigate the clinical use of the very commonly prescribed drug Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID, at all phases of the disease progression.

Project Veritas recently published a report on DARPA documents pertaining to COVID research:  "Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines."

In my experience, the efficacy of Ivermectin against COVID is well established.  My doctor prescribed it to me and the first dose resulted in a life renewing experience.  Several progressing symptoms were gone or sharply diminished within hours.  The campaign of disinformation against Ivermectin, as Dr. Malone describes, is very obvious.

What does this have to do with Randell Mills and hydrinos? Nothing directly.  Like several other posts in this blog, I am trying to make clear the possibility of techniques of suppression and disinformation against Mills.  All of them are supported by my direct experience, so I am not easily dissuaded from my general conclusions.

Following is from Malone's substack.


  1. Joe Rogan did an interview with Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a noted cardiologist in the DFW Metroplex area awhile back as well. McCullough says he has experienced some 'pushback' from those in the medical field but he continues on undeterred.

    1747#– Dr. Peter A. McCullough | Joe Rogan Experience
    December 15, 2021

    The "Key Takeaways" -

    o We are not attempting to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalizations and deaths as an outcome

    o Early treatment of COVID-19 is the key to survival because you take the edge off viral replication, reduce inflammation, and prevent thrombosis

    o 50-85% of COVID-19 deaths could have been avoided if we adopted early treatment

    o “The 800,000 deaths we have right now, I can tell you to a one they’ve received either no or inadequate early treatment.” – Dr. Peter A. McCullough

    o “We’ve had a giant loss of life…It seems to me early on there was an intentional, very comprehensive suppression of treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death. It seemed to be completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for and promote mass vaccination.” – Dr. Peter A. McCullough

    o If this was just about COVID (instead of power) we would’ve seen four pillars to the response: reduce the spread of infection, early treatment, improvement of hospital treatments with monthly updates from officials, vaccination (it has a role but not the silver bullet)

    o Reputable hospitals (e.g., Harvard) STILL do not have COVID-19 treatment protocols

    o Vaccines are a piece of the puzzle but are not treatment

    o While most people are going to be fine, the vaccine has caused death and adverse outcomes in organ systems for a large number of people with higher susceptibility

    o A young boy is more likely to be hospitalized of myocarditis post-vaccination than ever be hospitalized from COVID-19 respiratory illness

    o We are not transparent on vaccines: we should be regularly reviewing safety, revisiting efficacy, and creating a profile of who it is or isn’t recommended for

    o COVID-19 false narratives: asymptomatic spread & testing, you can get COVID repeatedly, take a vaccine every 6 months, you should still wear a mask if you had and recovered from COVID, vaccines are fully FDA approved

    o A person is not science! Science is ever-changing and evolves with better and more well-informed data

    o The idea that people in positions of authority are presenting information without a fair balance of risk versus benefit is a dangerous precedent


    PS. I had the Covid in Sept-Aug 2020 timeframe, recovered, have a story to tell, but not at this juncture. Unvaccinated (and will remain so) at present. My RN sister has been 'red-pilled' by this train wreck our govt foisted upon us too. She too remains unvaccinated and steadfastly too.

  2. Nice summary. Congratulations on avoiding whatever this "vaccine" is.


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