The Rise of SunCell

I authored a set of 3 articles for the magazine started and edited by Eugene Mallove until his death in 2004 (articles 1, 2 and 3).  The magazine continued in publication, despite his death, and this set was published starting in November 2016.  So, this reflects many years of development and trial of different way of producing hydrino reactions, as performed by Randell Mills.  These articles of mine are largely based on a chapter of a book written by Erwin Schrodinger.  The chapter is Are There Quantum Jumps? which is contained in the book, What is Life?

It is worth noting that the association of energetic anomalies with hydrogen has been claimed by many scientists since long before the term "cold fusion" became widely heard.  These phenomena are claimed to occur under a very wide array of experimental conditions.  This proves nothing, but if such an anomaly exists, this pattern of association would be expected.  The wide ranging conditions might be a confirmation.  Why has the pattern not led to significant discoveries?  Just because something very important is discovered does not mean that it will be properly recognized and promoted.  The people who are responsible for seeing who gains access to the financial feeding trough need to be foremost experts in a very wide range of scientific fields.  This is not possible for ordinary people, and these people are government bureaucrats, incentivized for years in ways that are not conducive toward behaviors that might be called "common sense".  

My opinion has come to be that Randell Mills is well worth considering.  If Randell Mills is correct, a commercial grade device that is said to produce 250kW of steam power is soon to be installed at some undisclosed business location.  He calls what he is doing with it now "Internal Field Test", meaning the device is intended for field testing, but they are still running undisclosed tests on it at the BLP lab.  

This steam is produced by a SunCell immersed in water.  Let's suppose that this device is performing as anticipated, that it, it is producing steam power much in excess of the electric power required to drive the SunCell.  Industries that need steam in various processes get it from boilers, which are not electrically driven because heat produced by electrical power is much more expensive than heat produced by carbon fuels.  A rough efficiency for producing electricity from heat sources is that about 2/3 of the heat is wasted.  So, if a business agreed to replace their carbon fuel boiler with a SunCell boiler, they would need to believe that the SunCell boiler could produce steam power at a rate that is at least 3X as great than the electric power consumption (Power Gain).  Such efficiencies has been measured, but with very short duration.  Nansteel, who performed this test, is a real expert with calorimetry, but this is not the same as measuring a boiler running under steady-state conditions.  There are several things that affect the Power Gain, most notably the temperature of the plasma.  The hotter, the better.  But, the reactors tend to melt down.  This is not a very dangerous situation, because the reactors are using low pressure, low voltage and contain liquefied and vaporized metal, typically silver or gallium, both non-toxic.

If the steam generator gets installed at some business and the businessman then announces that it is saving him money, that would be evidence that the efficiency is at least 3X.  If he orders a few more boilers, that certainly supports the evidence, but detractors will just assume that the businessman is in cahoots.  However, other businessmen might look at this and realize that surviving competition just might require that they discover is the first businessman is lying or not.  Maybe businessman number one knows businessman number two, so word would spread.  Such survival driven motivation can overcome any amount of Wikipedia slander. 

So, while we are eagerly anticipating field tests with the boiler, I am not sure that this will happen unless the gain can be well above 3X for an indefinitely long period.

A different kind of device has been under development for years, which is the photovoltaic SunCell.  The challenge with this was that the reactor would need to operate around 3000-4000C, which is ridiculously hot.  Different rates of expansions of materials, thermal runaway and other challenges caused Mills to put this project on the back burner, but recently, a new idea has given him reason to believe that the reactor can be run at a much lower temperature, like 2000C.  Given the experience they have gained in trying to make it run at 3000C, the 2000C now seems quite feasible.  At that temperature, the dome of the reactor is emitting blackbody radiation in the form of incredibly brilliant light, which can be transduced into electricity using concentrator photovoltaic cells, which were developed by the solar power industry, but have found little application.

That new idea that can greatly improve the performance of the photovoltaic system is light recycling.  This is a way of reflecting the light that the photovoltaic cells cannot absorb, back into the reacting plasma.  The nature of a blackbody radiator is that whatever source of energy that is driving it into incandescence, the light spectrum that is radiated is not affected.  So, this type of reactor, which produces electricity that might be used to drive the reactor now appears to be much more feasible.

There are other ideas in development as power generators.  The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator is a true marvel.  There have been a few physical models and many drawings made of it.  It may be the simplest possible power generation device.  It appears that it will be capable of scaling from fairly small to very large sizes, although there is little need to build a big one.  Theoretical estimate of the power density of the reactor itself is 23 MW/liter, which is enough power to run 2,300 houses from one liter of reactor space.  That space would be surrounded by machinery which appears to be small and light enough for a couple of people to move it by hand.  It has no moving parts.  

The greatest thing about the SunCell is that it is fueled by ordinary hydrogen, in quantities small enough that the hydrogen can be extracted from the air as water vapor, in sufficient quantity even in the driest climates.  The production of hydrino from ordinary hydrogen is a chemical reaction that produces dark matter, or shrunken hydrogen.  Hydrino does not absorb nor emit light, so it is dark.  It is also not very reactive.  It forms dihydrino, or molecular hydrino of two atoms that responds much like ordinary hydrogen because it is an allotrope of hydrogen.  The big (small) difference is that the hydrino is much smaller than ordinary hydrogen, and as hard as it is to contain hydrogen gas, hydrino passes through materials even easier.  It passes out of the reactor, up through any surrounding materials and up through the atmosphere, where it would expected to drift into space, like ordinary hydrogen does.  We could not ask for a more benign waste product, except it is better.  It is a valuable and novel chemical ingredient in a number of chemicals that have unusually durable characteristics.  The SunCell would also emit small amounts of oxygen, left over from the decomposition of water.

Randell Mills actually presented proof of hydrino that any good chemist could verify at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in 1999.  He presented to many people the opportunity to obtain samples of material taken from his reactor, compounds that contain hydrino, and these compounds can be analyzed by various means to see the anomaly that Mills predicted for such stuff.  Reportedly, there have been a number of takers, but they must sign non-disclosure agreements and with the intellectual property that Mills has, anyone trying to develop hydrino technology would not only have the challenges that Mills is facing, but the legal threat that would deprive them of any accomplishments they might succeed in making.

So, exercise your imagination and picture what happens if hydrino technology starts emerging into our world.  First, I'd expect, there would be total denial and ridicule for anyone who thought it might be real (today's status quo), but especially if an electrical power generator can be developed, the desire to make money would generate much investment.  The wealthy and powerful did not become wealthy and powerful by being stupid.  They are always looking for emerging technology.  Ridicule is very powerful, but greed would overcome, if it is real.

When I first looked into anomalous excess heat claims, I was sure that the machinery of capitalism must ferret out anything of value and exploit it to the maximum.  This is not an usual view and people tend to lose interest in exploring such claims because such claims have been around for a long time and yet there is no one profiting from such an extremely valuable discovery.  We must put this into perspective.  The reader may wish to explore the development path of any number of technologies, starting from the "blank sheet of paper" (as Mills describes it).  The basic idea of a jet engine was not just conceived, but demonstrated, in ancient times.  Why did it take thousands of years to build a jet?

This is a much more nuanced topic than I will explore here, but the reader can see that energy technology has been in development for millennia.  This development has been the focus of some of the most intelligent minds our species has produced.  The competition with such highly developed theory and engineering does not present a low threshold.

No source of energy can compete with this, just as nothing can compete with the magnitude of thrust provided by the weight of a jet (or rocket) engine.  There may be niche markets for solar cells to charge batteries at some remote location where a radio must operate, and it is not economical to install a hydrino device.  The extreme disruption for the fuels industries, solar cell industries, windmill industries, internal combustion engines, aircraft industries, trains, ships, home power and heat, create a strong resistance to clearly see what is happening.  “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair

This would be the real Great Reset, and it would be greatly welcomed by all but a few, a few who exercise a greatly disproportionate influence over society.

The dependence we now have on environmental destruction to maintain an acceptable quality of life could end.  Technologies that we can barely imagine made possible by hydrino materials and power densities that could spin the tires off a Tesla in no time will be possible. But what would we do?


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